A journey to the Colombian roots of Trier's city coffee.

Guest article by Stefanie Schöler. It's a hot Sunday, but we haven't noticed much of the heat on the winding roads in our small, air-conditioned rental car. The 104 kilometre stretch from Medellín (pronounced Medejin), the provincial capital of Antioquia (one of the largest coffee regions in Colombia) to Ciudad Bolivar took over two hours. Again and again the road was blocked by small landslides, clean-up work, construction sites or slow-moving trucks. The winding road does not stop the bus drivers, who steer their colourful buses through the landscape, from overtaking us at a risky pace over and over again. Yes, that's Colombia.

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Wir leben in einer so nie dagewesenen Zeit, in der wir alle aufgerufen sind, zu handeln, um die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels abzuschwächen. Es spielt keine Rolle, ob du aktiv oder passiv zur globalen Erwärmung beigetragen hast; wir alle sind verpflichtet, nach nachhaltigen Lösungen zu suchen. Leider stehen einige Menschen dem Phänomen des Klimawandels immer noch skeptisch gegenüber. Die gängigen Argumente gegen den Klimawandel sind aufgrund der deutlichen Beweise für die Erderwärmung wiederum schwer nachvollziehbar.

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We are living in unprecedented times when everyone is called upon to act to mitigate the effects of climate change. It does not matter whether you contributed to global warming actively or passively; we are all obliged to seek sustainable solutions. Sadly, some people are still skeptical of the climate change phenomenon. The arguments against climate change are hard to comprehend based on the evidence of a warming planet.

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